1. 在下面选择你的现状:

        • 从美国以外的国家被澳博体育app下载录取的学生

          • 本科生:
          1. 发送一个 护照信息页复印件 to iss@e6lm.com, and let us know how you would like to receive your form I-20: either by regular mail or express mail. If you would like to receive your form I-20 using the express mail method, 请按照本页的说明操作, on "如何透过系统索取文件."
          2. 收到I-20表格后,立即转到#2.
          • 研究生:
          1. 发送完整的 财务证书 a 护照信息页复印件 to iss@e6lm.comand let us know how you would like to receive your form I-20: either by regular mail or express mail. If you would like to receive your form I-20 using the express mail method, 请按照本页的说明操作, on "如何透过系统索取文件.". 
          2. 收到I-20表格后,立即转到#2.

        • 目前持J-1/J-2/B-2签证在美国的学生

          1. 发送一个 护照信息页和签证信息页的复印件 to iss@e6lm.com, and let us know how you would like to receive your form I-20: either by regular mail or express mail. If you would like to receive your form I-20 using the express mail method, 请按照本页的说明操作, on "如何透过系统索取文件."
          2. Let us know if you will be returning to your home country to apply for a student visa, 或者如果你要申请一个 身份变更 在美国境内. 
          1. 发送完整的 财务证书,护照信息页和签证信息页的复印件 to iss@e6lm.com, and let us know how you would like to receive your form I-20: either by regular mail or express mail. If you would like to receive your form I-20 using the express mail method, 请按照本页的说明操作, on "如何透过系统索取文件."
          2. Let us know if you will be returning to your home country to apply for a student visa, 或者如果你要申请一个 身份变更 在美国境内. 
        • Students accepted to 澳博体育app下载 that have attended a US high school/college/university:

          1. 如果您仍然有一个活跃的SEVIS记录, and will attend 澳博体育app下载 within 5 months of your program completion at your current school, 请填写 转让表格, and ask your current Designated School Official to transfer your SEVIS record to 澳博体育app下载. 
            • 你的现任指定学校官员可能是你的校长, 你的国际学生顾问, 指导顾问, 招生顾问.
          1. You can skip the 签证申请流程 if you are not planning on exiting the US before your program start date, or if your F-1 visa will not have expired by the date you are returning.
    2. 开始你的 签证申请流程

    3. Complete your 招生 File, if you have not submitted any of the following documents:

          1. 免疫及病史表 It's advisable to complete the needed immunization series at your home country if possible, 如果不可能的话, 他们可以在学生健康中心完成 .
          2. 仅限本科生:
            1. 最终成绩单的正式副本(仅限本科招生)
            2. International High School Transcripts 不 need to be professionally evaluated, 如果成绩单是英文的,并且没有任何AP/IB学分. International HS transcripts need to be translated/evaluated if they are not in English. 
            3. 如果你有大学学分想转的话, 或者如果你正在申请研究生院, you will have to get your international college/university transcripts evaluated by one of the agencies listed 在这里.
            4. (可选)参加数学分班考试, if you would like to take upper level math courses (Higher than MATH 1111 - College Algebra) in your first semester, and you have not taken the SAT or have any Math college credit transferred. 详情可在 在这里
            5. For students who will be under 18 years old upon arriving in the US, please have the 治疗同意书 由你的父母签名,并公证. 弗吉尼亚州立大学学生健康中心需要这份表格, 如果他们必须治疗18岁以下的学生.  
    4. 设置您的澳博体育app下载帐户

      • 我们的信息技术部为新生制定了一份指南 在这里.

    5. 完成你的州立大学入学并注册课程

      1. 本科生

        1. 通过Banner完成你的在线定位. 

        2. Contact your academic advisor (you will get their information after you have completed your online 澳博体育app下载 orientation). 

        3. 注册课程. 

          1. Make sure to register for at least 12 credits (an estimated 4 courses), 还有你的整个课程表, either only 1 online course or 3 credits worth of online courses are permitted. 

      2. 研究生

        1. 毕业生在线定位
        2. 联系你的项目主管以获得课程建议. Make sure that you only register for either 1 online course or 3 credits worth of online courses. You need to register for at least 6-9 credit hours depending on your program requirements.
    6. 计划你的瓦尔多斯塔之旅   

      1. 住房

        1. 校内住宿 申请校内住宿 房地产门户网站

        2. 校外住房 校园周围有很多校外住房. 很多学生住在步行就能到达弗吉尼亚州立大学校园的地方. 寻找公寓.com,租.com, or even Facebook Marketplace to see what off-campus options are available. 请注意,弗吉尼亚州立大学不认可任何特定的校外住房.  
      2. 做好旅行安排:

          • You cannot arrive more than 30 days before your program start date (the first day of classes), 你必须在开课前一周到达, 参加国际新生迎新活动. 
          1. We highly recommend new students to fly into the Hartsfield Jackson International Airport, 再订个转机去 瓦尔多斯塔地区机场 通过 三角洲航空公司. Delta airlines is the only airline that flies directly into 瓦尔多斯塔地区机场 from Atlanta, 乔治亚州.
          2. Other options: Fly into Jacksonville International Airport, and either take a 灰狗巴士 或者在机场租一辆车开到瓦尔多斯塔. 
            • The Center for 国际项目 can pick-up students at the 瓦尔多斯塔地区机场 or at the Greyhound station in Valdosta -- provided that the student has requested pick-up in the 抵达通知表格.
            • 请填写 抵达通知表格 一旦旅行安排敲定.
      3. 包装

        • Valdosta has a mild climate with long, hot summers and short, mild winters.  冬季平均气温为50度oF / 10o而夏季平均气温为80摄氏度oF / 27oC.  In the summer, it is also very humid, and it is not uncommon for temperatures to hover around 100oF / 38o七月和八月的C学位.  Most students find blue jeans and shorts worn with tee shirts appropriate for attending class.  You will need more formal clothing (suits for men/ dresses for women) only for social functions or religious activities you may choose to attend.  冬天你需要一件中等厚度的大衣或毛衣, 但是没有必要带厚重的羊毛.  瓦尔多斯塔有许多折扣服装店.  You may wish to take care of any special clothing needs once you arrive, 因为衣服在美国相对便宜.

        • 至少带上一把伞,一件雨衣,甚至一件雨披. 
        • 家里的物品:  我们建议你带幻灯片或 photographs of your home country as well as traditional clothing and small artifacts or souvenirs if possible.  International students often have the opportunity to visit schools and civic groups, participate in community-wide events and items from home are useful for these presentations.  这些东西在想家的时候也很安慰!

        •  安全:  旅行时请注意人身安全.  不要为你不认识的其他旅客携带物品  任何时候都不要看管你的财物.  It is best to keep your money and your passport/ travel documents on your person at all times. It is also not recommended to travel with large amounts of cash with you.  旅行支票是更好的选择, and you can deposit the check once you are able to open a bank account 在这里 in the U.S.
    7. Look over the different options you will have to pay your tuition and 费s, make sure that the money for your tuition and 费s will be easily accessible. 如果你将由第三方赞助(如. 沙特阿拉伯文化使团)组织, make sure that you will have your Certificate of Financial Guarantee submitted to the 大学奖学金 by the tuition and 费 deadline for that semester.

    8. Make sure you will have Health (Medical) Insurance Coverage (not the same thing as travel insurance). All international students are required to have health insurance coverage for the duration of their stay in the US. 国际学生的选择如下:

注意: Students who apply for a waiver with a health insurance plan that does NOT meet the minimum requirements will not have the health insurance premiums removed from their account.